
Play is serious business

Learning can be fun! Here at the CMA, we strive to provide a multitude of fun and educational programs for children between preK-10. From art projects to Garden Club to educational Summer camps, the Children’s Museum of Acadiana seeks to compliment in-school curriculum and give families the opportunity to get outside and involved in the community!

Mornings at the Museum

The Children’s Museum of Acadiana is hosting monthly sensory-friendly mornings. These offerings are exclusive to families of children with ASD (Autism spectrum disorder) or sensory processing disorders.

CMA Garden Club

Are you excited about growing your own food, flowers, and herbs? Do you enjoy eating fresh vegetables? Then join others with this same passion at the garden club!  

Daily Discoveries

“Daily Discoveries” is a jammed pack ten-week summer program providing children who are out of school a different STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) activity to engage in during their weekday visit Tuesday through Friday.

STEAM Kids Sundays

Learning can be fun! S.T.E.A.M Kids Sundays are filled with education enrichment activities offered on the last Sunday of each month between 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm to CMA guests.

CMA educators have identified many interactive S.T.E.A.M. activities that expose kids to a wide variety of S.T.E.A.M. education concepts and augment knowledge they learn in school. 

Toddler Music Class

Taught by Rachael Gary, Program Manager at the CMA and former Music Educator with 14 years experience teaching elementary music in the public school system.
Caregiver and child music class for children ages infant-4yrs old. Designed to introduce the concepts of being tuneful (where children can think and sing tunes in their head voice), beatful (where children can keep the beat to music and rhymes) and artful (where children can learn to appreciate and participate in the expressive qualities of music). The goal of the class is to begin building a musical foundation in young children and allow them to explore many different facets of music. Activities will involve singing and listening to music, exploration of instruments and playing instruments with songs and rhymes, and movement and exploration activities with movement props such as scarves and a parachute. We can’t wait for you to join us!

More programs coming soon!